Hosting a Holiday Party for your staff? You’ll need to know this first!
Last year around this time we wrote a blog about hosting a holiday party and gift giving. As we approach the holiday season again, we thought this was fitting to repost. 
Last year around this time we wrote a blog about hosting a holiday party and gift giving. As we approach the holiday season again, we thought this was fitting to repost. 
I hired a social media manager to help achieve these goals due to my lack of time. Russtek Media posts relevant content on my behalf with the proper hashtags to engage my audience.
About six months ago I came to the realization that I was not completely satisfied with the look and feel of my website.
About a month ago, I was preparing a client’s payroll using Wagepoint when I decided to take a picture of the screen (with no confidential information visible) and tweet how I loved using the application.
It has been a year now since the launch of my business. My accounting practice is part-time as I am
Last week I talked about how excited I was to become a bronze partner with Xero and what came with that new partnership. This week, I felt it was perfect to share this post from a few months ago and once again talk about why I love using Xero!